Tracking Politicization of the Military

The U.S. military has a longstanding history of non-partisanship that is central to our military might. Our merit-based system — which relies on skill over political loyalty for advancement — ensures our military is led by the most qualified officers. Keeping the military out of the partisan political fray is a key component of a healthy democracy, allowing the armed forces to focus on matters of national security — upholding the nations’s interest and safeguarding its own people.

The Chamberlain Network is tracking rumored and confirmed government actions — including legislation, appointments, executive orders, and domestic deployment of the military — that threaten to politicize our military and/or disrupt our military readiness. Veterans must feel empowered to speak out in support of the longstanding political independence of the military in their own communities and with their elected officials.

Have something you think should be included?

Fill out this form with as much information as you can. A member of The Chamberlain Network will follow up by email if necessary.

Spotlight Issue:

Using the Military for Mass Deportations

The deployment of U.S. military troops to the southern border under President Trump’s executive orders is a profound misuse of the armed forces, one that threatens to undermine their core mission, strain readiness, and erode public trust in the institution. The military exists to defend the nation against genuine external threats, not to act as a tool for domestic political agendas or immigration enforcement. Veterans, service members, and their families understand this distinction deeply—and we reject actions that blur these lines and jeopardize the apolitical integrity of the armed forces.

Take Action.

The Chamberlain Network is also compiling opportunities from our organization and like-minded groups for veterans and allies to engage on these issues. Check back regularly for updates, or sign up for our newsletter below to get action alerts in real time.

    • Call & E-mail Your Senators:

      • Call and/or e-mail your Senators and share your concerns about extreme Cabinet nominees — let them know rubber-stamping dangerous nominees isn’t just bad policy, it’s bad politics. Their constituents are watching, and you expect your elected leaders to take a stand.

Get Involved.

Want to join our growing network of veterans and volunteers dedicated to protecting democracy? Sign up below to join our network and receive regular updates about our work and how you take action.

Support active civil service.

Donate today and fund projects like these — that enable veteran leaders to promote democratic values, counter rising authoritarianism, and combat polarization.

Please note: The Chamberlain Network's 501(c)3 designation is pending and our tax-exempt status is subject to the IRS’ discretion. While gifts are not currently tax deductible, once we receive 501(c)(3) status, donations received while the application was pending may be treated as tax-deductible contributions retroactive to the date of our formation (July 1, 2024).